Togo: Project for the improvement of the conditions of life of the population of ESSE and the education of their children

Kamp Kodu
Başlangıç - Bitiş Tarihi
10.03.2023 / 31.12.2025
Toplam Kontenjan
Boş Kontenjan
5 5
18 - 70
Ekstra Ücret
Kamp Temaları
Our local partner is the local branch of FAGAD at Esse. It is helped by the village development committee. We work with them for years. With our one of our French partners, we have built a recreational center with library and the creation of income generating activities.
İş Tanımı
Project for the improvement of the conditions of life of the population of ESSE and the education of their children
Our association, by way of this program, wants to bring a support to live comfortably in a village which is a little forgotten. Our program in this village is targeted on education of the children and the population to provide them with a better future. With the help of ENOUMAMA in France we have created a library. It remains to render the use of this library more effective and above all develop AGR (Activities Generating Revenues) for the self - finance of the library. We envisage the creation of a botanic garden associated with the animal farming where the people will come and learn to exchange in a context of improving their life.
Work to be done:
Sensitization in schools in favor of reading ;

Help in the management of the library ;

Assist the librarian in the ensuring that the center is well managed ;

Assist in the realization of a program of creation of activities generating revenues for self – finance of the center ;

Participation in the work to create a botanic garden ;

Participate in the creation of a farm or raise animals.
Period: all the year round.
Items which the volunteer can bring:
Children’s games, items for school studies, seeds, a small financial support.
Cultural activities:

Percussion (Djembé) and dance around the fire;

Day with a family; a day of immersion in the life of an African family organized around the following themes: animism, the election of the village chief, traditional marriage, or a day in the field.
Konaklama ve Yemek
Volunteers will be accommodated in a house that population give . Esse is electrified but often off. The village was the scourge of forrage own. The population is very friendly. we work there over 10 years.
FAGAD provide mattresses to all volunteers.
Everyone will take care of household chores and cooking. The village youth volunteers often help. The food is both African and European. The village produces africa Djin, local djin. Drink with moderation
Konum ve Serbest Zaman
. Location
The population of the village according to census returns amounts to around 2 700 inhabitants. There are items of infrastructure such as: two primary schools, a college for secondary education, a FAGAD library, a market and a dispensary ( a small health center ). The dominant activity is agriculture. The village has an electric generator group, but it does not operate every day. Therefore it is necessary to encourage the installation of another system, notably a system of solar panels.
Cultural activities ;
Percussion ( Djembé ) and dancing around the fire
A day with a family ; a day’s immersion with an African family organized around the following themes: animism, putting the village chief in place, traditional marriage, a day in the camp site.
Nearby touristic attractions:
 Fuentes Farm circuit ( Adeta….monastries of DanyiDzogbegan and Fuentes Farm
together with the America hospital at Tsiko )
 Kloto circuit ( Mount Kloto, whence it is possible to catch a glimpse of Lake Volta in
Ghana: Kamalo Falls, artisanal centre at Kpalimé, Kpalimé market.)
 Circuit AgouWomé( Agou Peak, the highest in Togo, Womé Falls, Kpalimé market.)
 Circuit Kpélé ( KpéléLonda Falls or Dzanipé with its beautiful Falls, Tsaviè Altar of
 Circuit Toutou – to ( FIATOE site, communcal forest of FAO Kpékpéta and Agbomé,
Peul village. )


Possibility to discover also Northern Togo ( large cities like Atakpamé, Sokodé, and Kara, Aledjo Fault ( the road passes through the rock ), Tamberma country, Niamtougou Falls…) and the Nangbeto Dam with the pond for hippopotamus.
You can also spend one to two months on this project. it is according to your availability. The participation fee is 390 euros per month

Esse Zogbedzi is between Tsevié and tabligbo and not far from ahepé
Konuşulan Diller
En Yakın Terminal
we pick up at aeroport
Esse Zogbedzi, prefecture de yoto, region maritime, Togo
Haritada Göster