Kamp Kodu
Başlangıç - Bitiş Tarihi
12.07.2024 / 30.07.2024
Toplam Kontenjan
Boş Kontenjan
10 10 2
18 - 99
Ekstra Ücret
Kamp Temaları
Kenya Voluntary Development Association
The Green world is an organization empowering communities through agribusiness and environmental conservation. The organization also runs rehabilitation and economic empowerment programs in prisons. The Green world is trying to make community members self-reliant through creation of green collar jobs within their locality to minimize rural-urban migration thus decongesting our slums hence creating healthier environment.
The community members are mobilized to plant trees as a way of combating climate change and increasing forest cover to conform to the government policy.
The Green World is also doing numerous activities in prisons to make inmates feel part of the society and give them new hope to start new life when they come out of prison.
There are communities hostile to members who are released from prison so we do re-integration of offenders into the community in liaison with local administration to make sure that the income-generating project started is successful and helpful to an individual as well as the community.
The organization is also involving the community in sporting activities to keep them busy and as a way of nurturing their talents hence creating cohesion and love within the community.
İş Tanımı
Manual work and Intercultural activities:
• Promote modern farming methods in partnership with community members.
• Community empowerment through agri-business
• Combating climate change
• Creating green collar jobs
• Field visits and face to face meetings with the local people
• Participate in home visits to enhance inter-cultural education and solidarity
Konaklama ve Yemek
• The host community will provide a house to accommodate the volunteers with very basic living conditions.
• Volunteers have an obligation to climb down the level of the people with the aim of exposure to development challenges.
• KVDA will provide foodstuffs and volunteers will cook their own meals in turns. Water is available from springs and it is recommended that drinking water should be boiled or medicated. Mineral water available at supermarkets is also recommended.
• There is no electricity connection at the project but volunteers can charge their electric appliances at the nearest market center.
• Furthermore, we invite you to bring typical food, spices, drinks, games and music from your country (for an intercultural evening) – and a lot of motivation!
Konum ve Serbest Zaman
KVDA offers educational tours to spectacular sites including the renowned Maasai Mara Game Reserve at separate fees. Please contact us for specific tour information.
These are usually symbolic gestures to enhance the solidarity of volunteers and the hosting community. Kindly contact KVDA for details in case you are willing to support a worthy cause in the community either by offering a donation or long-term intervention on the project.
Konuşulan Diller
En Yakın Terminal
International arrivals lounge at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport
Haritada Göster