Kamp Kodu
Başlangıç - Bitiş Tarihi
28.07.2024 / 11.08.2024
Toplam Kontenjan
Boş Kontenjan
3 0
18 - 30
Ekstra Ücret
Kamp Temaları
SVI - Aragon
ASOCIACION SARGANTANA Calle Albareda, 19. 22888. Canfranc .Huesca.
Sargantana Association is a non-profit organization dedicated to educating and training young people in their free time. Over 400 national and international projects have been com-pleted by Sargantana, including environmental education, socio-cultural animation, youth em-ployment programs, non-formal training, and heritage preservation.
İş Tanımı
The tasks to be carried out during the next work camps in summer 2024 will focus on improving the maintenance of two train cars, finishing the primer phase and PAINTING, since no workings were carried out for about two summers. In addition, doors and exterior windows enclosing will be made.
In order to get this done, the works will be the following:
EXTERIOR OF THE VEHICLE BODY: - Plastering and sanding of the areas that require it - Primer with antioxidant paint of the sanitized areas. - Painting – Enclosure making in doors and windows.
CEILING: - Cleaning of the sheet, covering of holes by fiber application. - Primer with anti-rust paint. – Painting.

The technical work will be carried out by two teams, so that each of them has both inte-rior and ceiling works to perform. That way, in addition to complying with the Occupational Risk Prevention Plan, two groups of maximum 9 young people will take turns in the following tasks, directed in any case by municipal and railway technicians designated to the effect:

FIRST WEEK Group 1: ROOF. Manual sanding, machine-bound sanding, antioxidant priming. Group 2: EXTERIOR. machine-bound sanding, antioxidant primer.

SECOND WEEK Group 1: ROOF & DOORS. Doors cleaning, antioxidant priming (doors), painting (ceiling and doors). Group 2: EXTERIOR. Cleaning, antioxidant priming.

The groups of workers will be made up by themselves, but it will be recommended that they all rotate by the diverse works so that the learning experience can be optimized. Every worker will be provided the corresponding Individual Protection Equipment items required by the Security Plan, which will be endorsed by the City Council. In any case, the City of Canfranc and the AZAFT are responsible for the technical works, being present at all times the monitor and director of the activity in order to survey and facilitate the tasks, assist the groups as well as to ensure the proper understanding of all instructions in English and their Spanish translations for the local technicians.
Konaklama ve Yemek
Hostel in Canfranc: Traditional house of Canfranc refurbished as a hostel and ideal for convivial activities for over 35 years. The participants are accommodated in a 20-bed dorm. The Hostel has a large dining room with wooden tables, which can be used as a multipurpose room, venue for parties, meetings and workshops. Additionally, there is an extra room with TV, computer for public use, games, music, where it is possible to perform recreational or educational activities. There are 4 showers and 4WC next to the dorm. The hostel is a very cozy place and can be seen in photographs on the web:

Home-styled food is offered, with generous servings suit to cover the needs of adults who perform physical activities. Made by the professional staff at the hostel itself, in a profes-sional kitchen. The dining room is spacious and connected to the kitchen. The group organiz-es the dining room according to their needs, taking care of the organization of tables, food, and leaving tables cleared and wiped off after each food service, since collaboration and co-responsibility are encouraged. There is also an outdoor dining room in the garden of the Hos-tel that can be enjoyed whenever the weather allows it, so as to enjoy summer nights. Specif-ic food is made for vegetarians, vegans and other needs as required.
Konum ve Serbest Zaman
Canfranc-Station is located 1190 meters above the sea level, the whole district occu-pies an area of 71.6 km². Up north of the valley the winter sports stations of Candanchú and Astún are located.

Historically speaking, cross-border communications have marked the evolution of the valley: the Somport -also called at times the port of Canfranc- is the less steep and thus the most frequently employed border crossing of all the central Pyrenees. From the old horse-shoe road, transformed in 1876 into a road, to the construction of the cross-border railway, inaugurated in 1928, and the recent road tunnel, the history of communications through the Somport has remained closely intertwined to Canfranc’s own history.

The village’s permanent population amounts to about 600 inhabitants, although its tourist character gives that figure a boost up to as high as 1500 floating permanent dwellers when hotel beds and second residences are taken into account.
Among its main heritage features and historical assets, the FFCC International Station stands out as a marvel on its own. The Station, built in 1915 and inaugurated in 1928 by Al-fonso XIII, was at that time the second largest international train station of the entire continent. The Church of Our Lady of Pilar, designed by Miguel Fisac in 1965, is another historical site of the village.

Testimony to the cross-border character of the area and as a memory of past rivalries, remarkable pieces of defensive architecture can be found all over the area. Perched on a high promontory, the Fort Coll de Ladrones dominates the view of the upper side and surveils the station placement, whereas clusters of Bunkers belonging to the Line P of defense hide in strategic locations throughout the valley, waiting to be found by the trekkers. Right at the southern entrance to the village, the fortified Rifle Turret from the XIX century gives way to the travelers.

Hidden on the deep vowels of the mountain, CSIC Scientific Underground Laboratory carries out a search for the subtlest physical phenomena in and environment of cosmic si-lence.
This summer’s Program is arranged with a good dose of Scientific outreach, as a col-laboration in a Citizen Science Experiment is scheduled with the Canfranc Underground La-boratory (LSC) of the CSIC. In addition to this main complementary activity, a series of other leisure activities are scheduled throughout the program, taking place on chosen afternoons, evenings and weekend days. Such activities are specified below:

1. Environmental study activities: walks, environmental interpretation, landscape read-ings, fauna, flora, geomorphology, anthropology.
2. Mountaineering activities: two hikes in the area of La Moleta-Buenavista-Ip and Estiv-iellas
3. Afternoon excursions: Gabardito, Camino de Santiago.
4. Visit to neighboring towns: Villanúa, Castiello and Jaca.
5. Mountain sports: Orientation, cartography, hiking, etc.
6. Leisure activities: parties, games and gatherings.
7. Training activities: workshop on European citizenship
8. Awareness-raising activities: heritage guided tours, European values
Camp essentials:
Suitable clothes for working, swimsuit, towel for swimming, water shoes, warm clothes (warning, weather prone to wide thermal amplitude!), rain clothes, sleeping bag, sleeping mat, backpack for two-day hiking, mountain boots, ID or passport, Social Insurance card or anoth-er appropriate health insurance coverage.

Accident and liability insurance.
Konuşulan Diller
En Yakın Terminal
CANFRANC RAILWAY STATION ( JACA BUS STATION ( this point, a local bus to Canfranc must be taken. (
Canfranc Railway Station. 22880. CANFRANC. HUESCA. SPAIN
Haritada Göster

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