Kamp Kodu
Başlangıç - Bitiş Tarihi
07.11.2024 / 25.11.2024
Toplam Kontenjan
Boş Kontenjan
8 7
18 - 75
Ekstra Ücret
Kamp Temaları
Center for International Voluntary Service - CIVS
Being a new project, the Luanda Community Empowerment Project is a local development initiative that aims to improve the well-being of the people. The project is located along the Kisumu Busia Road, 29 Kilometers from Kisumu City. The project is welcoming volunteers to learn about the local culture, live with the people, and interact and work with them. The project is based in the heart of the Luhya community, in Bunyore, and gives you a chance to explore western Kenya.

The project aims to empower the community to realize their potential through local initiatives like farming, brick making, environment conservation, community banking, childcare, informal education, and health and sanitation programs. The project region has a higher poverty level with the majority of residents engaging in small-scale crop farming and rearing of livestock and chicken at their small farms. Youth unemployment is on the rise with the diminishing opportunities for formal employment. This has led to a high dependency ratio and the inability of the few employed people to save and invest. Cases of drug abuse and insecurity associated with youth unemployment are on the rise.
Uneconomical sub-division of land, Poor land use system and ragged terrain are some of the factors for environmental degradation. Encroachment of wetlands and forest lands by the growing population has led to declining water volumes in existing water sources. Inadequate farming skills and small land sizes have affected agricultural production. Limited credit facilities, idleness among the youth, poor infrastructure, and poor implementation of pro-poor programs and projects are some of the notable challenges facing the community. Girls have higher school enrolment than boys because boys engage in manual jobs like tea picking, herding cattle, motorbike transportation and farm labour.

As a volunteer, you will provide invaluable assistance to the community and in return the warmth and affection of the community will for sure put a smile on your face. You will experience happy moments with the people, gain an understanding of what life is like in western Kenya and make a real difference in the local community, and along the way you will make lots of new friends. Right at the equator line, you will interact with nature, have a nice view of Bunyore hills and valleys characterized by huge granite rocks and caves.
İş Tanımı
• Helping in farming to increase agricultural outputs in the village ie tilling of land, slashing,
• planting and weeding of crops
• Helping the local people with brick-making for income generation
• Helping to fetch water from the stream for the old people
• Playing games and encouraging the development of children in the nearby Ebusakami Primary
• Mentoring teenage girls in the nearby Secondary School
• Vising homes for intercultural learning
• Helping to eradicate jigger infestation in some homes/ schools

The work may change from time to time depending on the availability of individual programs at a particular time for example school holidays etc.
Konaklama ve Yemek
Accommodation will be at the project in shared rooms and it is important that you have your own sleeping bag and mosquito net. During the workcamp, volunteers will get food from locally available foodstuffs and will share the responsibility of preparing the food. Safe drinking water is available through out. Alternatively mineral drinking water can also be purchased from the nearby shops.
Konum ve Serbest Zaman
In this workcamp, volunteers will have a chance to do evening walks, home visits, cultural meetings and games. During weekends, volunteers can visit the Lake Victoria, and the equator line. Volunteers will also have the opportunity for early morning visit to Kakamega Rainforest, hike on the forest hill and witness a sunrise from the forest hill. Leisure activities’ costs are not included in the participation fee.
CIVS Kenya organizes tours and safaris to spectacular sites of interest in Kenya. Volunteers, who wish to participate, should let us know as soon as possible in order to enable us to make proper arrangements. The fee charged is all-inclusive of meals, transport, park entry fees, accommodation and tour guiding. The cost of a 3 days safari to Maasai Mara National Reserve is 400 Euros in a Tour Van and 470 Euros in a Tour Jeep. The safari dates will be from 4th to 6th November 2024
Konuşulan Diller
En Yakın Terminal
Luanda or Maseno
Ebusakami village Luanda Vihiga County
Haritada Göster