Kamp Kodu
Başlangıç - Bitiş Tarihi
15.08.2024 / 28.08.2024
Toplam Kontenjan
Boş Kontenjan
5 0
18 - 99
Ekstra Ücret
Kamp Temaları
HUJ - Voluntary Service of Armenia
Voluntary Service of Armenia-Republican Headquarters of Student Brigades (HUJ) was founded in 1965. HUJ is a member of the Coordinating Committee of International Voluntary Service (CCIVS) at UNESCO and the Alliance of European Voluntary Service organizations.HUJ organizes volunteer exchanges with partner organizations abroad and holds a database of 3000 volunteers registered in HUJ as of today.The main activities run by HUJ are for and with volunteers, mainly the young people and students. The regular activities of organization include exchange of volunteers with different organizations, opening international work camps in Armenia, preparation and sending volunteers to different trainings, seminars and work camps abroad, as well as ESC long-term programs.The essential aims of the organization are to raise the social competences and employability of the youth by organizing activities for national and foreign volunteers in various programs in Armenia (workcamps, training courses, medium and long-term projects) as well as facilitating the participation of local and national volunteers in similar projects abroad; to take care of orphans, children with special needs and socially indigent people by proposing activities to and for them and making them more visible for local, national and international communities.
İş Tanımı
The aim of this work camp is organization of the leisure time of small number of children with disabilities that receive their treatment in this Centre and environmental work on the territory. Volunteers day will begin with environmental work: maintaining the territory, cleaning children s playground from weed and grass, painting and some renovation work. After the children finish their therapy, volunteers will join them to draw, sculpt, sing and dance, do physical training, play games.At the end of the camp volunteers and children will organize a farewell concert. The participants will get certificates and letters of appreciation by the end of the work camp.
Konaklama ve Yemek
Volunteers will stay in a separate cottage on the territory of the Rehabilitation Center and sleep in beds.
Konum ve Serbest Zaman
Republican Paediatric Rehabilitation Centre, YerevanThe camp will be opened for the 29th time and is already a popular and traditional one. Every year the children, who receive their treatment here, look forward to meeting the volunteers in summer. Volunteers bring a lot of ideas, spirit, love, warmth, kindness, and make the stay of the children in this Center a great holiday. They make these children feel that they are needed, valued and help them to reveal their talents and abilities.
For volunteers from organizations without bilateral exchange with HUJ: 100euro
Konuşulan Diller
English, English
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