Kenya: St. James Community Orphans School

Kamp Kodu
Başlangıç - Bitiş Tarihi
12.07.2024 / 30.07.2024
Toplam Kontenjan
Boş Kontenjan
10 10 2
18 - 99
Ekstra Ücret
Kamp Temaları
Kenya Voluntary Development Association
Project overview
St. James Community Orphans School is a community owned school whose idea was conceived to the challenges that the community has been with over the years. For a long time, parents have passed on leaving their children to be orphans who are either total or partial. Due to constant and continuous death and other related issues, the number of these orphans grew to an escalating rate which eventually led to call for intervention. It is this regard the school has taken good care of most of these orphans since school opened its doors on the 9th January 2012 hitherto
St. James Community School is located in Mfangano Island, Homabay County in Kenya. It’s one of the many islands in Lake Victoria with several beaches. Being an island with many fishing beaches, it’s prone to a unique lifestyle that contributes to high prevalence rate of HIV/AIDS which leads to many orphans
St. James School is addressing three major problems
4. Free education for these orphans
5. Poor nutrition
6. Alarming low levels of domestic income among caregivers households
In 2014, the school started with a population of 45 orphans represented in three kindergarten classes, with 3 teachers. To date the school is enjoying a population of 112 both total and partial orphans aged between 3 years to 12 years. The school has seven classes with 8 teachers.
LOCATION: The school is located within Mfangano Island, Waware sub-location, Mfangano north location, Mfangano division, Mbita Sub-county of Homa-Bay County.
CLASSES: Baby class, Nursery class, Pre-unit class, Standard one to four
SPONSORS: Community sponsored
VISION:” To be an exemplary Centre of excellence in quality holistic, academic education provision within the community”
MISSION:” To provide accessible and acceptable education to the less fortunate professionally, and in a formal manner that can be realized from within and without the community”
MOTTO:” Arise and shine for a better life”.
OBJECTIVE: To be the school within the island in helping provide for the welfare and well-being of the numerous orphans and destitute left behind as a result of HIV/AIDS pandemic.
VOLUNTEER PROGRAMMES: Since the school’s inception in 2012, the school has various volunteer activities. Among them being:
d) In 2012 (May-August), we received two volunteer teachers who helped the school in teaching `of physical ad vocation (P.E). The volunteers were from Italy.
e) (Jan-Feb) 2013, the school, got one volunteer (male) from Japan who helped in the school garden.
f) (May-June), we had 2 volunteers (a couple) from USA, Michigan who helped the teaching of health and sanitation lessons.
Security for our volunteers has always been our number one priority. Moreover, the school is situated barely 600m from the police post
We also have a Government of Kenya dispensary within the same area to carter for health emergency that might arise
The school is committed to offering hope to children and especially who are vulnerable to societal risks and this call for community of efforts.
İş Tanımı
Manual work and Intercultural activities:
• Farming
• Home visits to orphans and caregivers
• Sports with school pupils
• Workshops about children rights to the local community
• Advocacy against teenage pregnancy
• Social work majorly guiding and counseling for the HIV/AIDS program at the health center
• Field visits and face to face meetings with the local people
• Participate in home visits to enhance inter-cultural education and solidarity
Konaklama ve Yemek
• The host community will provide a house to accommodate the volunteers with very basic living conditions.
• Volunteers have an obligation to climb down the level of the people with the aim of exposure to development challenges.
• KVDA will provide foodstuffs and volunteers will cook their own meals in turns. Water is available from springs and it is recommended that drinking water should be boiled or medicated. Mineral water available at supermarkets is also recommended.
• There is no electricity connection at the project but volunteers can charge their electric appliances at the nearest market center.
• Furthermore, we invite you to bring typical food, spices, drinks, games and music from your country (for an intercultural evening) – and a lot of motivation!
Konum ve Serbest Zaman
KVDA offers educational tours to spectacular sites including the renowned Maasai Mara Game Reserve at separate fees. Please contact us for specific tour information.
THEME: Teenage Pregnancy in the society
Lack of information about reproductive health and high rates of child abuse have caused the upsurge of teenage pregnancy
Lack of information about reproductive health and high rates of child abuse has caused an high rate of early pregnancy
AIM: To reduce the cases of early pregnancy
-To improve and strengthen the health workers methodology on disseminating information among the young people on grassroots level
-To create a platform of social workers and peer educators to campaign against sexual harassment within the community
-To advocate on children rights within the community
-Workshops about children rights to the local community
-Advocacy against teenage pregnancy
-Workshop: health workers, parents and peer educators
-Health Camp: parents, teachers, health workers and peer educators
METHODS group discussion, “café” method, planning discussion, expert analysis
-Number of schools calling for peer educators after the health camp, for reproductive health education
-Number of community leader requesting for more advocacy through health camps
-Number of health workers getting more involved in organizing workshops for emphasizing and enhancing the effects of early pregnancy
Konuşulan Diller
En Yakın Terminal
Volunteers will be received at the international arrivals terminal at the airport and the person picking them up with have a pager emblazoned KENYA VOLUNTARY DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION and the full name of the volunteer.
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