Palestine: Resilience and Re-mobilization towards World Heritage” Protecting world heritage sites through resilience and community participation and social awareness

Kamp Kodu
Başlangıç - Bitiş Tarihi
15.08.2024 / 25.08.2024
Toplam Kontenjan
Boş Kontenjan
16 16
18 - 45
Ekstra Ücret
Kamp Temaları
International Palestinian Youth League
IPYL is an organization that empowers Palestinian youth through educational programs, intercultural learning, training, media literacy and youth leadership activities. Since its inception, IPYL has implemented hundreds of projects in a range of fields. These include 79 international voluntary work camps in Palestine and 69 in work camps in other Middle Eastern countries. The organization also carries out youth exchanges, geopolitical study trips (alternative tourism), media role in social empowerment, active citizenship and leadership, youth and women think tank groups and community meetings. For more info about IPYL, please visit
İş Tanımı
About the World Heritage Site: Hebron/Al-Khalil Old Town
The use of a local limestone shaped the construction of the old town of Hebron/Al-Khalil during the Mamluk period between 1250 and 1517. The centre of interest of the town was the site of Al-Ibrahimi Mosque/The tomb of the Patriarchs whose buildings are in a compound built in the 1st century AD to protect the tombs of the patriarch Abraham/Ibrahim and his family. This place became a site of pilgrimage for the three monotheistic religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The town was sited at the crossroads of trade routes for caravans travelling between southern Palestine, Sinai, Eastern Jordan and the north of the Arabian Peninsula. Although the subsequent Ottoman Period (1517-1917) heralded an extension of the town to the surrounding areas and brought numerous architectural additions, particularly the raising of the roof level of houses to provide more upper stories, the overall Mamluk morphology of the town is seen to have persisted with its hierarchy of areas, quarters based on ethnic, religious or professional groupings, and houses with groups of rooms organized according to a tree-shaped system.

This work camp will expose volunteers to daily life in the Occupied West Bank. Volunteers will conduct renovation at the old city of Hebron South Jerusalem which is on the WHL. This World Heritage Site is in danger due to the Israeli military occupation measures and settlers’ attempts to takeover old buildings and convert them into illegal housing. The work in this location will include, renovation of two old buildings; the ancient Turkish bath and the Spanish Academy (used to provide trainings in renovation and rehabilitation of old buildings. Both located in the old city and has been renovated earlier but now need further maintenance and renovation work. The first building was prepared to be a Turkish bath and the second as a community non-formal academy for archeological students and concerned people from around the world.
In addition to the physical work at both buildings (under the supervision of the site manager,, UNESCO and the Hebron Rehabilitation Committee) the volunteers will learn about the daily challenges facing the Palestinians people from the occupation and the Jewish settlers militia.

The afternoons of the work camp will be dedicated to an educational, social and cultural program of activities. The aim is to expose volunteers to the reality of life in Palestine in the context of the ongoing Israeli occupation and the Palestinians people resilience. The program will educate volunteers on Palestinian culture and history, and the origins of conflict in the region. The program will introduce volunteers to various civil society entities who are working towards a future Palestinian state. Civil society plays a crucial role in Palestine, helping people to stay resilient in the face of the many challenges brought about by the occupation.

Project Description:
The work will include the following activities:
1. Assisting the renovation of the two ancient buildings; plastering, old stones cleaning, painting etc.
2. Learn about the most advanced renovation techniques of old buildings.
3. Prepare both places to be ready to host activities and to function as a Turkish bath and non-formal education renovation academy.
Konaklama ve Yemek
The volunteers will be hosted at IPYL volunteers’ dormitory in Hebron. Men and women will stay in separate rooms. The dorm is about 20 minutes’ walk from the location of the work. The accommodation includes hot water, kitchen and hangout space. The place has fast internet connection and presentations equipment (the media center of IPYL is beside the flat). The volunteers will cook breakfasts, lunches and dinners by themselves (daily cooking teams to be established). Lunch might be served during the work time. Tea and coffee will be available all the time at the dorm and the hangout space.
There might be curfew for the work camp, which would be around midnight, unless we have some activities outside that night/evening.
Konum ve Serbest Zaman
the accommodation is located in a central area of the city where many restaurants, cafe's and other entertaining places exist. Hebron is an alcohol free city due to its Muslim nature. Trips to the city of Bethlehem will be organized for the volunteers to drink and enjoy night life there.
Konuşulan Diller
En Yakın Terminal
Hebron- Old city
Haritada Göster

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