Germany: Spend Quality Time with Asylum Seekers –In Giessen

Kamp Kodu
Başlangıç - Bitiş Tarihi
10.08.2024 / 24.08.2024
Toplam Kontenjan
Boş Kontenjan
-2 3
18 - 26
Ekstra Ücret
Kamp Temaları
Since many years now we offer this successful workcamp together with the protestant community center "Petrusgemeinde". The international volunteers are invited to the Asylum Centre for two weeks to take part in the daily life of the refugees. In the study part of the camp, we want to inform about the situation of refugees in Germany and Europe, as well as the current developments in the area of Asylum-policies. We want you to get in contact with the residents of the Asylum Centre so that we can learn about their stories, difficulties and perspectives.
The Asylum Centres for asylum seekers in Hessen are located at the edge of the city Giessen. There are currently around 2 000 asylum-seekers hosted in former army barracks. The refugees are in Germany because of various reasons, e.g. political, ethnic and religious persecution or poverty. Usually, they stay at the facility for few months until a decision has been made about their application. Sometimes they are sent to other centers or to other “safe countries” where they entered the European Union, or to their countries of origin. Most of the people living in the Asylum Centres in Giessen are from Turkey, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Eritrea, Ukraine and Balkan countries: Young men, women, children and older people. The asylum seekers live in simple conditions and are not allowed to work or leave the district in which they live. Their permission to stay in Germany often is limited and so is their contact with the locals living in the city.
İş Tanımı
Together with the refugees we want to organize common activities, where the women and children are taken into consideration: Playing games, making sports, being creative, in short to have some fun together…. Besides organizing games for the kids and special activities for women and men, there is the option to create some scenes in a puppet theatre.
In addition, our goal is to get in contact with the young people in Giessen to raise greater awareness for the refugees and to break the isolation of the refugees. We will prepare contact with students of the local university that are willing to take care of the medical issues of the refugees and to pursue the legal issues of the asylum law.
We especially invite volunteers to participate, who can speak Kurdish, Turkish, Arabic or Farsi.
Konaklama ve Yemek
The workcamp will be hosted by a local protestant church which is already involved in working with the refugees. The premises of the church are plentiful and volunteers will have a lot of space for sleeping, cooking, dining, relaxing, and for indoor and outdoor activities.
Konum ve Serbest Zaman
There are plenty of possibilities for leisure time activities: playing football or canoeing as well as possibilities to visit some other cities. (e.g. Marburg, Frankfurt or Heidelberg)
After registration, we will ask you to do a request at your local authorities for a “police check” as a certificate of good conduct. we will need this certificate as photo or a scanned document in advance, please bring original to the workcamp. We will also require a self-declaration concerning the children and youth protection. The local host requires that all participants are vaccinated against measles, to protect the people in the shelter. Please bring a sleeping bag, a pillow if needed, towels, a camping mat, work clothes, a bathing suit, music, your talents, and something specific from your country.
Konuşulan Diller
En Yakın Terminal
Haritada Göster

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