Serbia: Windmill festival + Totovo squad in action (2 in 1)

Kamp Kodu
Başlangıç - Bitiş Tarihi
07.08.2024 / 18.08.2024
Toplam Kontenjan
Boş Kontenjan
0 1
18 - 99
Ekstra Ücret
Kamp Temaları
Voluntary Service Serbia
The Association Sabo Denes works in the field of culture, youth and tourism. Particularly, they are aiming to share interculturalism within youth in the area, organize charity actions and nature conservation.

Wemsical Serbia is NGO from the North that is interested in general development of youth, culture and education. Also, in music. And if possible, in connecting all of it.

Young Researchers of Serbia (YRS) was founded in 1976. Our main aims are environmental protection and education, promotion of sustainable development, work with young people in an international context, promotion of scientific creativity and voluntarism and its values. Voluntary Service of Serbia is a volunteer exchange service center founded in 1990 as one of the sectors of YRS.
İş Tanımı
This workcamp will be practically two in one (two for "the price" of one, magic, hehe).

First part (07.08.-11.08.) will be all about the Windmill festival, which is very rich with content. The volunteers will be helping out to the organizers and the other volunteers in the preparation of everything (stage, fences, cleaning the field), because the festival will start on the 8th. During the festival, volunteers will help with the tasks (sell the tickets at the entrance, inform the guests, move things, things that need to be moved, keep the space without trash, help the musicians maybe, why not, etc...) for around 4 hours a day. All the rest-enjoying time!

During the second, more calm part (11.08.-18.08.), volunteers will be planting an alley of flowers, mow the lawn, sand and paint wooden sculptures in the local park as well as benches and gates, then prepare the ground for the new statue in the Memorial Park. In the landscape house, wooden objects will be painted with a protective material, to preserve the texture. If time allows, there will be a space to create new totems and put them in the park.
Konaklama ve Yemek
Here, since there are two parts, two different types of accommodation will be organized (it is an advantage and even privilege to have them both, when you think profoundly).

First part will be under the tents in the festival zone. Tents will be provided for the volunteers, but if anyone wants extra-comfort, it is completely acceptable to bring your own tent (seriously, haha). Meals will be prepared together.

For the second part, the accommodation will be in a local boarding house in rooms with 2-5 beds and a bathroom. Bedding is provided in the guesthouse. Meals are provided in the dining hall of the local centre, 3 times a day. Also, the dinners will be made with the help of everyone in the courtyard of the boarding house, with local traditional food.

Keep in mind that there will probably be a very limited internet connection, but we will see what can be done to use it from the locals without their permission (no, no, we will find alternatives if urgent).
Konum ve Serbest Zaman
Orom (festival part) and Totovo Selo (renovation part) are two neighboring villages (with almost completely Hungarian population) in the Kanjiža municipality, in the North Banat District, Vojvodina province. They are surrounded by natural beauty with landscaped surroundings and friendly hosts. Both settlements were founded at the end of the 19th century.

Orom was organized around railway station, important crossroad and the school. Many houses, stores, but also windmills were built gradually. It is agricultural area and many people are having farms with pigs and cows (that are taken care of with soul). Today it is well connected with Subotica (Szabadka), that is important center of that part.

Leisure activities on during the festival, there will be offered plenty of activities where volunteers can take part. Many workshops will be offered, collective reading, photography, potential circus productions, games for kids, cooking lessons, dance, and sometimes rides in the local chariots.

When it comes to Totovo Selo (literally- Tot's village), Tót József at that time (at the threshold of the 20th century) wealthy local landlord, donated 72 houses without any compensation dividing his property among his wage earners and workers.

One of the most interesting things there is the model of the Danube, which is built together with the former participants of the camp. In the village there are 5 parks, a barn, an autochthonous Hungarian breed of sheep and a farmhouse. In the village, a kettle and brandy festival is organized during the summer, and during the year a festival of folk customs is always organized, related to the date.

Few excursions to the surrounding places and towns will be organized (including going to the beach at river Tisa).

Please bring a positive attitude, meeting people from other cultures of this Serbian-Hungarian village is really important to the host.
Konuşulan Diller
En Yakın Terminal
Subotica - reachable by bus or train (railway Novi Sad-Subotica is under reconstruction, but it is possible to arrive at Novi Sad from Belgrade by train, which is on the halfway to destination, and from there on to continue the journey with a bus). You can also reach Subotica from Budapest by bus or train. More details will be provided in the Infosheet about the meeting point.
Totovo selo, Orom
Haritada Göster

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