Kamp Kodu
Başlangıç - Bitiş Tarihi
15.05.2024 / 26.05.2024
Toplam Kontenjan
Boş Kontenjan
3 5
18 - 90
Ekstra Ücret
Kamp Temaları
PROJECT: The aqueduct of the Ex Hacienda of El Hospital in the city of Cuautla, has been the object of an enhancement by AMVIAC in collaboration with local authorities, national and international civil associations, professional associations and many other actors since 2019. More than 20 volunteer camps have been held in this aqueduct with the participation of more than 450 volunteers. The tasks carried out by the volunteers have been in the field of architecture, civil engineering, history, biology, archeology, carpentry, among others. The project aims to involve the local community in this enhancement and generate tourist, economic, cultural and social development in the region.
It is a construction from the s. XVII of 1.5 kilometers of development in which the use of limestone and partition is observed, joined with mortar of slaked lime and river sand, as well as scraps of the same rock. Its formation is, basically, a succession of semicircular arches throughout its development.
This construction belongs to the monumental complex of the Hospital hacienda, where you can still see a large part of its buildings, such as the chacuaco (chimney), some rooms that have ceilings with Catalan vaults and lanterns, magnificent windows with large blacksmith, its perimeter fence and a small chapel.
İş Tanımı
WORK: The volunteers will continue with the masonry work in the upper part of a section of the aqueduct as well as with the construction of the wooden truss using traditional methods that will serve to restore one of the arches of this historical monument, the elimination of the joints in poor condition, and their restoration using lime to prepare the mortar with cactus additive (mucilage) to fill the joints. They will also work on facing the stone in some parts of the aqueduct. Awareness-raising activities will be carried out with the local population about the importance of protecting their cultural heritage. They will also organize recreational activities at the end of the day and there will be days of rest where they can visit important sites in the region.
Konaklama ve Yemek
The volunteers will stay at spa near the community of the El Hospital. The place is a venue with all facilities and it is a spa that has a traditional bath called temazcal. It is a place full of plants of fruit trees. You will stay in tents with mattresses inside and with basic services: stove, bathrooms and showers. It is located at 15 minutes by bike and 10 minutes by car. We will have bicycles available to travel to the work point. Breakfasts and dinners will be provided by volunteers and meals will be prepared by some people from the community.
Konum ve Serbest Zaman
The aqueduct is located in the El Hospital ejido in the municipality of Cuautla, Morelos, a city located 100 km from Mexico City. It is a historic city that was the scene of important moments of Independence and the Mexican Revolution.
The day of activities at the site will be from 8 am to 3 pm with rest periods for food, hydration and refreshments. In the afternoons we are free or there will be days when we will carry out recreational visits and/or activities with the community.

Bring comfortable clothes to work (long-sleeved shirts are recommended) and don't mind getting dirty; cap/hat to protect from the sun; water bottle (water will be available to refill); blocker; mosquito repellent and personal items.
Sleeping bag and we suggest a yoga mat or blanket if possible.

PARTICIPATION FEE: $3,500 pesos; includes lodging and food (3 meals a day and snacks during the work day), local transportation and administrative expenses.
Konuşulan Diller
En Yakın Terminal
Cuautla bus station
Haritada Göster

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