Germany: FoKus Festival – RABRYKA In Goerlitz

Kamp Kodu
Başlangıç - Bitiş Tarihi
30.07.2024 / 13.08.2024
Toplam Kontenjan
Boş Kontenjan
1 1
18 - 26
Ekstra Ücret
Kamp Temaları
"RABRYKA" is a unique space for youth culture and social life, situated in an abandoned factory ground. You can see it as an open space for all kinds of youth and social culture. Currently it offers a wide range of possibilities for kids, youths and adults: Repair shops, DIY and creative workshops, a youth center and urban gardening. There is enough inside and outdoor space for gatherings and sports, sharing things and opinions, playing music and partying together and … much more!
At the same time, RABRYKA is a part of an initiative, which highly motivates people to develop the civil society of Goerlitz. Everyone is invited to join meetings that focus on the vision of a society, which respects the values of tolerance, equality and cross-cultural empathy. RABRYKA is a fictional word connecting the Polish word for factory fabryka and the first letter of red. Red are the bricks of the buildings of the former factory.
İş Tanımı
Your help is needed to prepare space and facilities for the Fokus Festival. A 2-day festival (09. – 10. August) – several stages, many workshops, speekers' corners, food and drinks! You are invited to show your individual creativity and talents; you should be ready to work together in international teams. Supported by a carpenter and a metalworker, you can create fancy furniture for the visitors, colorful decoration for the stage, or help by expanding the BMX trail and designing a luminous advertising. In addition, the support of the kitchen team is quite important. It would be great if the group could contribute something special for the Fokus Festival. Plus, volunteers will offer support during the festival itself and will encounter the visitors discovering their creations. For further information, please visit
Konaklama ve Yemek
Volunteers will stay near the youth and cultural center. There is a single room for the group for sleeping, there are bathrooms, a shower and a kitchen. Volunteers will need a sleeping bag. It is planned that volunteers will prepare breakfast and dinner on their own. Lunch will be offered at RABRYKA and will be vegan.
Konum ve Serbest Zaman
Goerlitz is situated at the very east of Germany. After WWII, it was divided and the area in the east of the river Neisse is now the autonomous town Zgorzelec and part of Poland. Volunteers will get a guided tour through Goerlitz and will learn about its eventful history. Moreover, you will learn about the current network of initiatives in the city, which offers a wide range of cultural and social work. In addition, there will be free time for a cycling tour to a lake nearby, bonfire evenings and a party.
Basic German knowledge is helpful, but not required. Volunteers who are skilled in handicraft and creative arts, will enjoy great atmosphere to reveal their talents and abilities. Please be ready to work together in teams. Please bring a sleeping bag, a pillow (if needed), work clothes, a bathing suit, music and be prepared to show your talents. After registration, we require a self-declaration concerning the children and youth protection.
Konuşulan Diller
En Yakın Terminal
Goerlitz train station
Haritada Göster

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