Kamp Kodu
PT-IPJ 10.9
Başlangıç - Bitiş Tarihi
01.07.2024 / 10.07.2024
Toplam Kontenjan
Boş Kontenjan
1 1
18 - 30
Ekstra Ücret
Kamp Temaları
Portuguese Youth and Sports Institute
Nature restoration actionsVolunteer activities will take place in areas where AssociaEEpoundo Desportiva de AVE-ES, that presents greater fragility in ecosystems and a greater threat to existing fauna and flora. During the camp many different moments will be provided: Walks in nature, close to the area surrounding the mountains; An activity of discovery from the city s monuments, its parishes, and its cultures and customs; Open gatherings, after dinner, without a closed program, dedicated to joint games, exchange and sharing of cultures and ideas through the city s monuments; Time at the city swimming pool, for rest and refreshment from the summer heat and physical work;
İş Tanımı
The main tasks are: Pruning and training of oaks and pines, formation pruning and vegetation removal, in order to accelerate the creation of native forests and increase their resilience to fire. Control of invasive exotic species ( actions to control invasive species of native habitats, with a view to reducing their occupancy. Access management ( actions that allow opening and maintaining access to the interior of managed areas, We want to carry out awareness campaigns among adjacent populations around the mountains, for greater care and defense of the forest. Going to meet people and demonstrate techniques for caring for the forest. We will also renew and clean existing trails recognized for their beauty and observation of the fauna and flora of our region;
Konaklama ve Yemek
Volunteers will be in rooms of the Lamego sport complex . There is a central facility with showers, and WC for women and man, with all basic hygiene facilities. There is another central facility for socializing, with board and card games, and a small bar/shop. The local has internet available, as well as outdoors barbecue and eating tables. Have kitchen and laundry.ADA will provide regular meals, with the possibility of vegetarian by request. These include breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner. Lunch will be served on the field as packed lunch.
Konum ve Serbest Zaman
AvEes is a Portuguese parish in the municipality of Lamego , with an area of 4.87 kmI [and 502 habitants.An ancient document, which is now missing, shows the passage and stay of Templars in the village of AvEes, more or less between the 12th and 14th centuries.

Konuşulan Diller
En Yakın Terminal
Haritada Göster