Kamp Kodu
Başlangıç - Bitiş Tarihi
04.07.2024 / 15.07.2024
Toplam Kontenjan
Boş Kontenjan
1 0
18 - 30
Ekstra Ücret
Kamp Temaları
SVI - Galicia
The General Directorate of Youth, Participation and Volunteering ( is a department of the Xunta de Galicia ( whose priority is to meet the needs and concerns of the young population living in Galicia, firmly believing that youth has much to contribute to society as a whole.

We work to improve the quality of life of young people in our autonomous community, developing actions and programs that benefit them, increase their well-being and allow them to improve their skill.
İş Tanımı
It is a theater-themed work camp where a live performance will be created in the street in emblematic places of the Viana do Bolo, such as: the Homage Tower, the Square, the gardens of Cabo da Vila... Live everything the creative process, from the search for information from the past of Viana do Bolo, the preparation of scripts, scenography, sets, costumes ... by the volunteers for a live premiere for the people of the town and all those who they approach it as a reason to spread their story. For this we will count on the help of young men and women from the Viana do Bolo Town Council who want to help the volunteers and who want to get involved and participate in this project.
Konaklama ve Yemek
Accomodation: Escola Fogar de Viana do Bolo
Konum ve Serbest Zaman
Viana do Bolo is a Galician municipality in the province of Ourense. It is located in the heart of the country of Bibei. This region, known as the Maxia Verde de Galicia ("Green magic of Galicia"), is part of the south-eastern Galician mountain ranges, characterized by its high mountains and deep valleys, crossed by numerous rivers such as the Bibei, Camba or Conso rivers, which in many cases they form reservoirs and canyons.

Leisure activities:
- Photo Tracking: this is a knowledge game developed by the youth of Viana and with the participation of them in groups, mixing with the participants of the work camp.
- Visit of the Nieves Fernández Museum, farmer, mother and entrepreneur.
- Swimming pool, river beach, mountain bike trails, paintball, games, kayaking, escape room, ...
- Open Work Camp: Impros activity open to all those who want to share a fun afternoon of theatrical improvisations with the young men and women of the volunteer camp.
The incorporation to the work camp is in the afternoon of the first day and the departure the last day after breakfast.

• Toiletries and shower towel.
• Sleeping bag and backpack for routes,
• Comfortable shoes for mountain and sports shoes.
• Clothing: sports (sweatshirts), bathing (swimsuit, towel, flip-flops), warm (suitable clothing to be able to do the job in case of rain or cold), water (raincoat), work (gloves, hat, comfortable shoes, hiking boots...).

So that you can extend and enjoy your stay in our country, we offer you several itineraries to do more than one work camp if you wish. This work camp can be linked to the camps:


which in turn link with:

Konuşulan Diller
En Yakın Terminal
A Rúa de Petín (Ourense)
Viana do Bolo (Ourense)
Haritada Göster

Kamp Fotoğrafları