Togo: Protection and enhancement of Unesco word heritage: koutammakou ( Action for sustainability)

Kamp Kodu
Başlangıç - Bitiş Tarihi
14.07.2024 / 31.07.2024
Toplam Kontenjan
Boş Kontenjan
10 10 2
18 - 70
Ekstra Ücret
Kamp Temaları
Our local partners are the Nadoba conservatory responsible for managing the site, the village development committee (VDC), the club for FAGAD children on the site and the ministry responsible for culture.
İş Tanımı
3.Theme :Protection and enhancement of Unesco word heritage: koutammakou ( Action for sustainability)
Project « Action for sustainability » initiated by the World Patrimony of UNESCO and the south Corean association, BETTER WORLD. It targets the promotion and permanence of the art and culture of the Batammariba in terms of space and time by way of the social - cultural touristic and artistic elements special to these people. To allow the population to live well on the site with projects designed to last a long time.

Work to be done:
Animation ( stories and guessing games, singing and traditional dances, concerts of music of Tamberma inspiration, theatre, literary competition in tamari, games, sports, leisure activities );
Exhibition and sale ( artisanal products; pottery, basket - work, jewelry in grass and in stone, sculpture );
Conferences and debates ( classification of the site ; advantages and problems, the Tata; history and sociology of the Tamberma people, contributions and social – cultural and economic perspectives of the tamari people in the development of Togo );
Maintenance of ancient replanted woodlands;
replanting trees;
Restoring work on the new method of building tatas (with the students of the African School of Architectural and Urbanistic Trades we are trying to find another way to build tatas to meet the needs of the population of today to avoid the invasion of modern buildings that do not respond to the architecture of the environment).
Awareness campaign for the appropriation of this new concept by local populations,
Activities for improving the site of the market on the side of the water barrage;
Konaklama ve Yemek
The volunteers live in the house often made available by the conservatory and the village. There is running water and electricity. WC and the shower relatively modern . FAGAD provide mattresses.
The food is Togolese, African and European. All volunteers attend to tasks and can be assisted by local volunteers and ladies in the village
Konum ve Serbest Zaman
Koutammakou,Batammariba country, is 500 square kms and comprises 4 cantons; Nadoba, ( Koutammakou ), Koutougou, Warengo and Agbonté. Nadoba is some 620 lms from Lomé in Northern Togo. The site was classed as an element of the World Patrimony of UNESCO in 2004. Benin is 4 kms from Nadoba.
The Batammariba are farmers and hunters. They live in earth houses built in the form of a castle ( “ château “ ), Tata on the basis of a very special architecture.
.The language spoken by the Batammariba is calle Ditammari: by deformation it has become Tamberma. The principal belief of the Batammariba is animalisme. The fetiches, which they adore and are to be found at the entrance to the Tatas, take diverse forms. According to the form, they can represent simultaneously; their ancestors with whom they are in communication; major exploits of hunters, the members of the family still living; different ceremonies.
In the case of the Batammariba, the living have a very deep link with the dead.In fact, they believe that every living being owes his life to breath of a dead person who wished for him to join him in the next Kingdom. It is possible to say a kind or reincarnation. The rites associated with mourning are linked to a return to life and the secret names of the dead hide a vital energy. Their traditioinal dances are often associated with these ceremonies.

Cultural activities ;
Percussion ( Djembé ) and dancing around the fire
A day with a family ; a day’s immersion with an African family organized around the following themes: animism, putting the village chief in place, traditional marriage, a day in the camp site.
Nearby touristic attractions:
Make a walking excursion to discover Koutammakou ; visit the Tatas and Fetiche Tree;
Visit the Sarakawa Animal Park;
Visit Benin.
Possibility to discover southern Togo : excursion to Mt Agou ( the highest peak in Togo ( 986 m ), Mt Kloto, the town of Aneho on the road to Benin, whence it is possible to make an excursion to Togoville by way of trip on Lake Togo, one of the largest in Togo, and Togoville, whose history gives the name of Togo to the country.
Nadoba is between Kandé ( Togo ) and Boukoumbé ( Benin )
Konuşulan Diller
En Yakın Terminal
we pick up at aeroport
Nadoba, Boukombé, Togo
Haritada Göster