Costa Rica: Childcare and development center in Heredia

Kamp Kodu
Başlangıç - Bitiş Tarihi
30.04.2024 / 31.12.2024
Toplam Kontenjan
Boş Kontenjan
1 1
18 - 99
Ekstra Ücret
Kamp Temaları
Vision: To be a Childcare and Development Center that has high-quality personnel and that, together with the family, maximizes the social, educational, and family skills of the children of the canton, so that they achieve personal development that turns them into citizens that are happy and have moral and spiritual values that promote social well-being.

Mission: The Childcare and Development Center of San Pablo is an organization that provides comprehensive care and quality to children from 0 to 7 years old, coming from families in extreme poverty, poverty and the middle class of the canton of San Pablo de Heredia, based on the constructivist methodology and promoting equality between men and women, and values as a firm base in integral development.

Values: Permanent search for excellence in service, internal transparency, and public opinion.
The first years of a person's life have a significant impact on the formation of physical, cognitive, and psychosocial development capacities, which are primarily linked to access and availability of high-quality health and nutrition.
For the municipality of San Pablo de Heredia, ensuring a healthy and integral development of the children of the canton translates into an investment with future social and economic returns, generating the development of the social capital of the canton.

The Extra fee indicated covers a period of 4 WEEKS, and includes:

- Transfer from the airport to a hostel in San Jose.
- Two nights in a hostel in San Jose, breakfast included.
- Orientation day, a day in which we give a cultural introduction to Costa Rica, safety and transportation recommendations, directions to the project and a tour of San Jose with lunch included.
- Accommodation and meals at the project.

This program has flexible dates depending on the availability of the project, with flexibility from one month (4 weeks) to 4 months, but this includes an additional fee to the indicated fee.
İş Tanımı
- To assist the staff with everyday tasks.
- To play games with the children.
- Informal or non-formal language workshops (music, videos, cartoons, children’s songs, puppets, etc.).
- To help with the mealtimes (also assisting the cook and if they want, they can cook traditional food from their home country)
- Maintenance and cleaning of the facilities.
- Encourage the intercultural exchange between yourself and the children from the center.
- Working in green areas and with organic compost.
- Support in recycling of regular waste.
- If you have artistic skills you can support in painting walls and creating murals.
Konaklama ve Yemek
Hosting situation provided by Local Family.

The volunteer will be hosted in a family relatively close to the project. The majority of families are middle class. The volunteer will, in most cases, have his/her own room and a shared bathroom (with the family and sometimes with another volunteer). Meals will be provided by the host families (3 meals a day). The volunteer will bring the lunch with him/her to the project.

All families are different, and you should be able to adapt to a certain degree to your host family.
Konum ve Serbest Zaman
The project is located in San Pablo de Heredia. San Pablo is a semi-urban town close to the cities of Heredia, Santo Domingo and San José. It has all the regular facilities from any city around. It is located in the Central Valley region of Costa Rica close to the Barba Volcano National Park and the Poas Volcano.

There are soccer fields, a skating park, a basketball field, machines to exercise and a playground very close to the project. It is important to mention that you should not walk around at night, as it can be a little dangerous when it is dark. Furthermore, do not show your valuable items, such as phones, wallets (money), watches, etc. when you are in the street.
CEUCDI is a permanent project, so they receive volunteers all year long. They have a capacity of around 1-2 volunteers per week and there are no limitations in the number of female or male volunteers, but yes, we recommend volunteers to be adults (+18).
Konuşulan Diller
En Yakın Terminal
Volunteers will be picked up at the airport.
San Pablo, Heredia, Heredia Province, Costa Rica
Haritada Göster

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