Zimbabwe: Goromonzi Permaculture Club

Kamp Kodu
Başlangıç - Bitiş Tarihi
01.07.2024 / 04.08.2024
Toplam Kontenjan
Boş Kontenjan
2 2
18 - 99
Ekstra Ücret
Kamp Temaları
Zimbabwe Workcamps Association
Zimbabwe Workcamps Association (ZWA) is local inspired Youth Volunteer Organisation founded in October 1993. It is non-political, non-sectarian, not for profit, membership organisation. Its membership is open to anyone above the age of sixteen years irrespective of nationality, gender, race, religion, political view, or educational qualification. ZWA seeks to promote inter culture education, international and national understanding through voluntary services, peace, solidarity, and community development. ZWA is registered with the Zimbabwe Youth Council under the Ministry of Youths, Sports, Arts and Recreation. ZWA is a member of the Southern Africa Workcamps Cooperation (SAWC), which a regional body that promotes development and voluntary work. ZWA is also a member of a continental platform Network of Africa Voluntary Services (NAVO), a continental body which aim to achieve prosperous and peaceful Africa through youth empowerment, volunteerism and pan Africa exchange as well as scaling up global, regional and national actions to meet young people’s needs, realize their rights and tap their possibilities as agents of change. ZWA is also a member of the Coordinating Committee for International Voluntary Service (CCIVS) created under the aegis of UNESCO in 1948. Zimbabwe Workcamps Association employs international voluntary services as a double aged sword namely education and community development. Workcamps are proven developmental techniques aimed at encouraging local communities to do self-help projects, using scarcely available resources in the raising of their socio-economic, cultural and physical standards
İş Tanımı
Zimbabwe Workcamps Association through the transformation agenda is constructing a multipurpose community centre at Gusta Village in Goromonzi. The projects seek to bring services to the rural people who walk very long distances to school and clinics. Being a youth inspired organisation ZWA acquired 10hectares of land and they want to bring the desired change to local communities. Volunteers who join this exciting international projects get an opportunity to immerse into a worthy while experience in the community driven system change programs in Zimbabwe. Volunteers will engage in designing a youth led community multipurpose centre as we as fencing and constructing two office blocks as well as spatial planning and designing of the land/The team of participants will be split into two groups. eight volunteers will work from construction of the offices block on the same duties while the other 7 do spatial planning and designing and they change roles after agreed days, so that each volunteer can have the opportunity to work on the two programs. We are working with other international and regional players on this noble project.
Konaklama ve Yemek
Food will be provided and volunteers will be accommodated at Demberere Camping Site. Rooms are available to individual volunteers. Volunteers with special needs like seniors/ aged, families and physically challenged will have special arrangements for their accommodations
Konum ve Serbest Zaman
Domboshava Rock paints and City of Harare
Goromonzi about 50km away from Harare along the Harare Mutare Highway
Konuşulan Diller
En Yakın Terminal
Road Port Harare
Haritada Göster

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