CYA head office in Phnom Penh is offering opportunity for Long Term volunteers to work with us in different program. Volunteers will work with our team to manage and create our medias (newsletter, website, social media, photos, and videos).Volunteer will also work with CYA team to design different programs for youth development, fundraising and promoting education. We believe by participating in CYA for long term, volunteers will gain more practical knowledge and skills while they also have the opportunity to explore the diversity inside the workplace and around our project.
İş Tanımı
Volunteers applying for working with CYA as a LTV will gain a great experience of working with diverse group/people from different background and experience while performing different tasks:
Work with our media team to promote CYA program amongCambodian youth and people from around the world by creatingposters, publishing CYA newsletters, maintaining and update CYA'swebsite, and making promotional videos.
Work with CYA's program team to design different programs/projects for youth development, children education, communitydevelopment, and environmental issues. Volunteers will haveopportunity to initiate their own project and work with the team tomake it reality and achieve its goals.
Volunteers will also ask to work on proposal writing and fundraisingor seeking for funding to support the project (if you don't haveknowledge we will help you learn about it).
Volunteers will, time to time, assign to represent CYA in different meeting and workshop locally and regionally.
Konaklama ve Yemek
Volunteers will stay at a rent house/apartment near by CYA office so they can access to the office by walk. Food will be provided at a restaurant in the area while sometimes volunteers will eat by themselves.
Konum ve Serbest Zaman
There are many places volunteers can visit during their free time like The Royal Palace, National Museum, Wat Phnom, Central Market, etc....