Kamp Kodu
Başlangıç - Bitiş Tarihi
28.06.2024 / 12.07.2024
Toplam Kontenjan
Boş Kontenjan
4 -1
18 - 99
Ekstra Ücret
Kamp Temaları
Concordia France
The PNR Vercors has been a partner of Concordia for many years. Each year, this long-standing relationship enables Concordia to introduce the volunteers who join us to a part of the Vercors, a natural territory offering a variety of landscapes marked by history and rich in cultural identity. For the Regional Nature Park, the workcamps are a fantastic opportunity to involve volunteers in its work to preserve natural areas in collaboration with the local communities. In 2024, he will be working with the village of Autrans-Méaudre en Vercors, which is very interested in proposing an intercultural and intergenerational project: young people from the village will come and help on the site for one or two days. In 2025, the elders of the local association Cabane 44 will be in charge of building the roof of the shelter after the volunteer workcamp. They will also visit the site to meet you and create links. The park's main missions are to preserve and enhance the natural environment, and to support the sustainable development of its territory in the fields of agriculture, tourism, culture, energy, mobility, town planning, etc.
İş Tanımı
The Vercors Regional Nature Park stretches across a vast mid-mountain massif between Isère and Drôme. Come and discover it, and the village of Autrans-Méaudre en Vercors. Its landscapes will take you on a journey. The project will involve restoring a shelter known as "La Bergerie", located on the edge of a footpath and a mountain bike trail. The exact history of this site deserves to be known, as it would appear that in the past this vast area was grazed by sheep. Meadows replaced the present-day forest and there was indeed a sheepfold here, but we're investigating with local residents to find out more.Your job will be to clear the undergrowth around the shelter and consolidate it by working on the masonry. No previous knowledge is necessary. A good dose of motivation and the desire to work as part of a team will enable you to complete this project.
Konaklama ve Yemek
You will be accommodated in a chalet equipped with beds: remember to bring sleeping bags. The site is a 20-minute drive from the accommodation. You will then have to walk for 10 minutes on an accessible path, but with some gradients. The group will be supervised at all times by a team in charge of group life and technical aspects, in liaison with our local partners, in particular the eco-guards from the PNR Vercors. Together, you will help to organise group life (housework, activities, etc.) and take turns preparing meals using locally sourced produce. We will use local produce and short distribution channels as much as possible, and will ensure that all participants' diets are respected.
Konum ve Serbest Zaman
Autrans-Méaudre en Vercors is a destination renowned for the quality of its environment, the extraordinary wealth of its flora and fauna and the wide range of activities on offer. It is located in the Vercors Regional Nature Park, 15 km from Villard-de-Lans (the main town in the North Vercors Massif) and around 40 km from Grenoble. One of the main activities for enjoying the beauty of the landscape is hiking. A Park eco-guard will be on hand to guide you during your free time. Depending on the programme agreed with the entertainment team, you can take advantage of the nearby swimming pool and outdoor activities such as mountain biking, caving, zip-lining, orienteering, beach volleyball, etc.
Remember to take closed clothes and shoes for the work, which are resistant to dirt. You'll be sleeping in individual beds: remember to take a sleeping bag as well as a fitted sheet and pillowcase. You should also bring waterproof clothing for your walks. Nights can be chilly at altitude, so pack some warm clothes. Don't forget sun protection (hats, glasses, cream, etc.), a water bottle and your swimming costume for swimming (pools, water sports centres, etc.). If you'd like to share a little of your culture (recipes, traditional stories, unusual objects, etc.), don't hesitate to pack a little piece of your country or region in your backpack and a small Bluetooth speaker to share your favourite playlist!

On the last day (12/07), the departure time is usually set in the morning.
Konuşulan Diller
En Yakın Terminal
Meaudre Place bus station
Haritada Göster

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