Costa Rica: Cloud forest reserve in Monteverde

Kamp Kodu
Başlangıç - Bitiş Tarihi
30.04.2024 / 31.12.2024
Toplam Kontenjan
Boş Kontenjan
3 3
18 - 99
Ekstra Ücret
Kamp Temaları
The Santa Elena Cloud Forest Reserve, located in Monteverde, is a project that includes conservation, eco-tourism and education. This project is an example of conservation of a protected area that is well administered and managed by a small community (Santa Elena Public High School) with their inhabitants directly benefiting from it.

With an area of 310 hectares, a great biodiversity of species, and the source of many streams and rivers, the Reserve supplies the local communities and their surroundings with a nature preserve among a mosaic of protected neighboring areas: The Children’s Eternal Rain Forest, The Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve, and Arenal National Park.

Together, these constitute a conservation area of approximately 28,000 hectares of forest, where populations of various animals that had been endangered, such as the tapir, jaguar and quetzal, have been revived. For all of these reasons the Reserve receives an annual visitation of approximately 40,000 tourists.

Thanks to the help of national and international volunteers, people from the community, and students, the Reserve has developed an essential infrastructure of trails, a visitors' center, store, and a small restaurant. Many volunteers with technical and professional experience also help with environmental education, sustainable development projects and the maintenance of the trails and other field works.

At Santa Elena Reserve helping hands are always welcome. You will not only have the unforgettable experience of knowing one of the most world renown centers of conservation and biodiversity, but you will also enjoy the opportunity of meeting a new culture. Costa Ricans, in general, and people from the Monteverde area in particular, are known for their friendship, respect, and kindness.

The Extra fee indicated covers a period of TWO WEEKS, and includes:

- Transfer from the airport to a hostel in San Jose.
- Two nights in a hostel in San Jose, breakfast included.
- Orientation day, a day in which we give a cultural introduction to Costa Rica, safety and transportation recommendations, directions to the project and a tour of San Jose with lunch included.
- Accommodation and meals at the project.

The program has flexible dates depending on the availability of the project, with flexibility from 2 weeks to 4 months, but this includes an additional fee to the indicated fee.
İş Tanımı
Volunteers will be working in:
Most work is done along with the crew of the Reserve on:
● To maintain and to create trails
● To repair infrastructure
● To help with the reforestation project of the local high school
● To assist at the main office in town with reservations and translations
● To assist in the reception with tourists (to give information, translate documents or info for the tourists, etc.)
● If you stay for a longer period and have specific skills, you may also help with research going on at the Reserve.
● If the volunteer has photographic skills, then they can help to make material for the park.
Konaklama ve Yemek
Hosting situation provided by Local Family.

We have several families in the area, but one of the main one's is doña Sonia's.
Doña Sonia’s family has a very simple house, which is right now under construction, but it is a very homy environment, thanks to the good atmosphere given by this family. Even though it looks like the family might be poor, we need to clarify that they own 8 hectares of land and their farm and animals in the place. They just like to be simple, as many people from our countryside are.

The farm has an amazing lookout over the region of Monteverde. Volunteers will have their own room, but if they are more than 2 or 3 volunteers at a time, they have to share the room.
Konum ve Serbest Zaman
The project is located on the upper area of the Monteverde touristic zone (7 km north of the high school of Santa Elena). The area is quite calm but in the high season (December – July) there will be a lot of tourists (in the park and in the town).

The park is a pretty humid area, it rains a lot during the rainy season and there is a lot of biodiversity (flora and fauna). Santa Elena is a small, touristic, farming and calm town, it has many tourist attractions in the region, as well as supermarkets, banks and ATMs.
The Santa Elena Reserve is a permanent project, so they receive volunteers all year long. They have a capacity of around 4-6 volunteers per week and there are no limitations in the number of female or male volunteers, but yes, we recommend volunteers to be adults over 18 years old.
Konuşulan Diller
En Yakın Terminal
Volunteers will be picked up at the airport.
Santa Elena, Monteverde, Puntarenas, Costa Rica
Haritada Göster

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