Thailand: Kids holiday camps at VSC (2)

Kamp Kodu
DaLaa 6704
Başlangıç - Bitiş Tarihi
16.04.2024 / 29.04.2024
Toplam Kontenjan
Boş Kontenjan
5 5
18 - 99
Ekstra Ücret
THB 9,500.00
Kamp Temaları
DaLaa Voluntary Service Community (VSC) is the first door for outsiders to get to know DaLaa organization. The main mission of DaLaa is to coordinate between the hosts and volunteers for working together in the active communities for social growth and environmental preservation.
İş Tanımı
During those 2 weeks, we want to organize 3 children camps at DaLaa Voluntary Service Community in Kok Riang village. Each camp would take 3 days and involve different Thai children from 7 to 13 years old. We will keep 1 or 2 days in between to relax, evaluate, and prepare the next one. The activities and camp’s daily life organized by volunteers should be strongly connected with our community values, authenticity, responsibility and inclusion. Besides, they should allow children to be in a harmonious and safe environment. English language is poorly understood by the children, so we’ll have to find possibilities to overcome this challenge with the help from our coordinator and Thai volunteers.
Konaklama ve Yemek
Volunteers will sleep in the tents and small huts. There will be thin mattresses, yoga mats, pillows, and mosquito nets. There are basic toilets, showers, and a kitchen. We will take time to cook together. Volunteers will be welcome to cook their own food using the ingredients available there. (No oven, only a gas and woks or pans).
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